Solana Use Guide!

How to create a Solana Wallet?

1. Open the TP Wallet App, click the upper left corner to switch the wallet, then select Solana, and click [Add Wallet];

2. Click [Create Wallet];

3. Set [Wallet Name] and [Password] in turn, then click [Service Regulations and Privacy clause], click [Create Wallet]; then start to back up the mnemonic, and click [Completed backup, verify it now];

Attention: Do not disclose the mnemonic to anyone!

4. Verify the mnemonic in order, and then click [Confirm]. At this point, you have successfully created the Solana wallet.

How to import a Solana Wallet?

1.Open the TP Wallet App, click the upper left corner to switch the wallet, then select Solana, and click [Add Wallet];

2. Click [Import Wallet], and continue to click [Mnemonic import] or [Private Key];

Take mnemonic import as an example, enter the backup [mnemonic words], [wallet name], [password], and click [Service Regulations and Privacy clause]. Click [Import Wallet]. At this point, you have successfully imported the Solana wallet.

Attention: To ensure the safety of your assets, please do not disclose the mnemonic or private key to anyone!

Last updated